Addicting as hell, sweetest of graphics
This game is friggin' awesome. The artwork really freshens up the concept, making everything look absolutely cool as shit. The upgrades and everything were good, too. Audio, also good. Pretty much everything was good. And it's a tribute to Newgrounds in so many ways, it's patriotic like a fireworks store that sells nukes.
Okay, pro tip, people after me. Aim the cannon toward the sky, say 70-80 degrees from the ground. Then at the apex, knock in the jet pack. Now wait for the turtle to fall a bit, accumulating speed, but shoot him before he hits the ground. He should go even higher this time, possibly with even greater acceleration. Execution of this is easiest when your cannon already launches him into space, which requires at least the second cannon, and to make things easier, the second tier gun. But you can probably do it before then. If all goes well and you have the proper equipment, it should be easy to get him to the point where all you have is a counter and an arrow showing where he should be. Professional medal easily.